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Financial Innovation and Commodities

Home / Our Program / Course Curriculua Structure / Financial Innovation and Commodities
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Date 2022-10-03

In 2017, Taiwan passed the "The Financial Technology Development and Innovative Experimentation Act and three Act-authorized regulations". As the fifth country to implement experiment sandbox following the United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia, and Hong Kong, the enactment of the regulations aims to reduce risks and prevent the violation of consumer rights attributed from developing new financial products. This also serves to impart impunity to the financial entrepreneurs so as to encourage the creation of new financial commodities. Recent decades have seen a dramatically accelerating pace in the development and adoption of new technologies, the impacts brought about by such changes thus identify the needs for the industry and policymakers to constantly keep pace with the development of new financial services and the demands persist to maintain risk control.

Agreeably, technology, data, and ecosystem are the trinity while developing new financial technology. To allow financial practitioners or business entrepreneurs to discern new trends of financial innovation and understand the complexity and risks involved, this module focuses on skills necessitated to develop new financial products. Students will learn to define financial models and explore the tools of financial valuation and their role in investment decisions faced by managers, entrepreneurs, and investors. List of courses offered also targeted on familiarizing professionals sufficiently with the technology so that they can utilize and adapt the technologies in their careers.


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